Reading: It is our aim that children should read fluently and with understanding in order to develop the ability to find information for themselves and to read for enjoyment. Younger pupils follow a number of reading schemes which are, in turn, backed up by a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts, until they progress to free reading.
Writing: To enable children to express themselves well through their written work, grammar and spelling are taught at an appropriate level. The ultimate aim for each child is to achieve fluent and expressive creativity using a wide ranging vocabulary.
Speaking and Listening: We aim to help each child to develop the ability to speak fluently and to listen attentively in a variety of situations. Both are essential parts of the global learning process and need to be mastered early in a child’s educational life. Poetry and drama, together with our annual Handel House ‘Eisteddfod’, form an integral part of this learning.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar: A sound understanding of these key components enables children to become better writers, readers and all-round communicators.
A foreign language is studied from Year 1, throughout the year, for a minimum of 60 minutes per week. Our belief is that young children are intrinsically better language learners, and will therefore become more proficient more quickly. This belief, alongside the fact that in an increasingly globalised world, intercultural competence is essential, and that it is important to awaken children’s interests in other people and cultures at a time when they are open and receptive, underpins our philosophy. Through a mixture of song, dance and role-play our children receive language teaching in at least one of; French, Russian or German.
This subject area underpins all other areas of study in the school. Children receive computing as part of their timetable in addition to utilizing our facility for other curriculum areas. Our IT lessons allow children to experience various software and hardware programs, providing them with the knowledge and skills to enhance their written work and research, using computers as a learning tool.
A structured scheme in Maths is followed throughout the school to ensure that our pupils gain a thorough understanding of the basic mathematical processes essential to all further work in this field. Calculators and computer software programs are also included. Differentiation is integral to the scheme, enabling children to work individually and progress at their own pace. This method of working helps to develop self-discipline and confidence. Practical Maths and investigative Maths provide opportunity for children to use and apply the mathematical processes they have acquired to underpin their understanding. Children are also entered annually for the First Mathematics Challenge (Years 3 and 4) and the Primary Mathematics Challenge (Years 5 and 6).
In music we aim to develop in each pupil an enjoyment in a wide range of music; as a listener, performer and composer. Children will have the opportunity to play the keyboard, flute, recorder and guitar. Children are actively encouraged to play publicly at our performance evenings, with concerts taking place at the end of each term.
In Science lessons we aim to nurture the children’s curiosity in the world around them, allowing the children to develop a range of new practical skills and knowledge, including observing, recording, generalizing, choosing apparatus, designing an experiment to meet a need and conducting a fair test.
Active participation in a variety of individual and team sports encourages a sense of fair play and a controlled competitive spirit. PE/Dance is taught in school by a fully qualified dance teacher and the Gainsborough Trinity Foundation provides an excellent sporting programme for children in the EYFS and Year 1. For children in Years 2 to 6 there is opportunity for participation in football, rugby, netball, hockey, cricket, rounders, athletics and swimming as well as opportunities to represent the school in sporting fixtures against other schools.
Our Nursery and Kindergarten welcome children aged between 3 and 5 years. Our child centred, structured play approach is available on a sessional basis, either morning, afternoon, a combination of both or on a full time basis. We can offer free places on a limited basis for eligible 3 and 4 year olds for up to 30 hours per week.
Our pre-school nursery, although fun, importantly provides our children with the foundations to be happy and successful in school and beyond. Through structured play our children explore and develop their own learning style. This will help them gain a greater understanding of the world in which they live. They practise and build up ideas, learn self-discipline and control and understand the need for rules.
Children are encouraged to think creatively alongside other pupils as well as on their own. They learn to communicate effectively with others as they investigate and solve problems.
Through constructive play our children learn basic English and Maths skills as well as Science, Art, Craft, Music, PE and other general subjects. Our aim is to ensure our children are able to read and gain pleasure from books by the time they enter the Pre-Preparatory department.
In years 1 and 2 children aged 5 to 7 years study Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum. Our aim is to provide a widely based, liberal education that will establish sound learning principles, inspire confidence, develop personality and encourage wide interests. The main emphasis is on Numeracy and Literacy, but Music, Religious Education, Art and Craft, History, Geography and Computing are also taught. A second language is introduced at this stage.
This is the foundation for children to work together and to learn to co-operate with each other in a friendly and civilised manner. Our principle is to incorporate clear aims for our work with regular monitoring to evaluate and improve what we do.
In years 3 to 6 children aged 7 to 11 years study Key Stage 2 of the National Curriculum. The curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant. We focus specifically on preparing our children for the 11+ examination entry to local Grammar schools and to meet National Curriculum standards.
Classes are kept deliberately small to enhance and accelerate learning and to allow for increased individual pupil/teacher time. Exam results in recent years bear testimony to this fact.
Our emphasis continues to be on written and spoken language, Maths and Science, with the entire range of subjects introduced earlier in the school being further developed, and delivered by subject specialist teachers. A core range of languages including French, German, Russian and Latin are available as part of the Key Stage 2 curriculum.
There are a number of clubs operating after school for this term. Please take the time to read through the activity schedule with your child to determine if any are of interest and return your choices to at your earliest convenience.
It is expected that children commit to all sessions advertised unless otherwise stated.
Mr M Raisborough Headteacher/Proprietor.
Stay and Play - MFR
Available to: N - Y6
Dates: September 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14
Cost: £7.00 per session
Multi-Sports- BA
Available to: K - Y3
Dates: September 16, 23, 30, October 7, 14
Cost: £7.00 per session
Stay and Play - MFR
Available to: N - Y6
Dates: September 3, 10, 17, 24, October 1, 8, 15
Cost: £7.00 per session
Available to: Y2 - Y6
Dates: September 3, 10, 17, October 1, 8, 15
Cost: £8.00 per session
Stay and Play - MFR
Available to: N - Y6
Dates: September 4, 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16
Cost: £7.00 per session
Singing incl. Young Voices - PHR
Available to: Y3 - Y6
Dates: September 4, 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9, 16
Cost: £7.00 per session
Stay and Play - OB
Available to: N - Y6
Dates: September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17
Cost: £7.00 per session
11+ - MR
Available to: Y6
Dates: September 5, 12, 19
Cost: Free
Thursday: Cookery - WS
Available to: Y3 - Y5
Dates: September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17
Cost: £7.00 per session
There are no after school activities scheduled on a Friday. Normal 3:30pm collection time applies.
11+ Sessions
Available to: Y5
09:15 - 10:10
Dates: October 5, 12, 19, November 9, 16, 23, 30, December 7, 14
Cost: £14 per session
All after school activities run from 1540 - 1630 and are held at school. Normal PE/Games kit is expected
for sporting activities. Please note that tennis will be held at Gainsborough Tennis Club from 1545 - 1645;
pupils involved will walk to the venue with Mr Raisborough and need to be collected from the Tennis Club.
The Early Bird facility 0800-0830 is available daily throughout the autumn term but must be booked in
advance. Each session is £3.50